


God Provides the Hope of Christ through Serve Hope

People throughout Central America are living without the hope and joy of Christ and without hope to improve the crushing difficulties they face. However, God is changing this through Serve Hope’s team of national leaders.

Through Serve Hope:

  • Thousands of people have clean water through the work of the Agua Pura team and our network of local pastors.

  • Hundreds of young people are being discipled through our schools and soccer program.

  • Hundreds of new entrepreneurs have been equipped to create new business with Biblical foundations in their communities.

  • Dozens of families are living in new, clean, safe homes.

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Yet Millions More Are Still Waiting.

Millions of people throughout Central America still live without access to clean water, without work, without quality education, or without a safe house to live in.

Millions still live without the Hope of the Gospel.

You can help change this. Your donation enables our teams of nationals to serve the most vulnerable and overlooked people in Central America. Please help us meet these spiritual and physical needs.

“And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news.’”

Romans 10:14-15

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